Identity management Part 1 :: Installing Keycloak

One of the first challenges associated with owning the control plane of Kubernetes is that you are responsible for authz and authn.

While there are some great resources for getting set up with some form of identity management, ultimately the correct solution will depend on your existing on-premise setup. If you already have something like Active Directory or LDAP configured, then it probably makes sense to integrate with those.

Thankfully, Kubernetes provides a rich set of possibilities for authentication; from standards like OIDC right through to just sharing a token to figure out who the current user is.


In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to setup OIDC authentication with the kube-apiserver, which will allow user identity to be established. If you’re lucky, your enterprise will already have an OIDC provider such as Okta., or the Google IAM services. Even if you’re starting from scratch, it’s relatively simple to set up a bridge to LDAP or AD.

In order to follow along, you’ll need a Kubernetes cluster on which you are able to run kubectl.

The procedure for getting keycloak up and running on top of kubernetes is relatively well documented elsewhere, so I’ll assume you’re able to get that up and running. If you’re using minikube for this, then I would recommend this project.

Setting up access to the service

Once you have a Keycloak pod running, you’ll navigate to the Keycloak end. Given that we have no solution for ingress yet, our best option is to expose the service on a nodeport.

This is achieved by adding some definitions to the existing service definition. The default keycloak service definition will be something like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: keycloak
    component: keycloak
  name: keycloak
  namespace: default
  clusterIP: None
  - name: http
    port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: http
    app: keycloak
    component: keycloak
  type: ClusterIP

Nodeports cannot be added to services of type ClusterIP, but we can take advantage of Kubernetes service abstraction to simply create a new service for our nodeport. We will start by grabbing the existing one:

$ kubectl get svc keycloak -o yaml > keycloak-nodeport.yaml

Now we can simply edit it to look like this (notice how similar these services look)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: keycloak
    component: keycloak
  name: keycloak-nodeport
  namespace: default
  - name: http
    port: 80
    nodePort: 32080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: http
    app: keycloak
    component: keycloak
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: NodePort

In fact, the diff is tiny:

<   name: keycloak
>   name: keycloak-nodeport
<   clusterIP: None
>     nodePort: 32080
<   type: ClusterIP
>   type: NodePort

Accessing the Keycloak service

If you used the minikube and oidckube script, then you should have keycloak available at https://keycloak.devlocal. You should see this page, and be able to click through to the Administration Console.

Keycloak landing page
Keycload admin console login page

The username is ‘keycloak’ and the password is ‘keycloak.’ It is hashed and available in a secret resource:

$  kubectl get secret  keycloak-admin-user -o yaml
 apiVersion: v1
 kind: Secret
     app: keycloak
     component: keycloak
   name: keycloak-admin-user
   namespace: default
 type: Opaque

So we now have Keycloak installed and running. Stick around for Part 2.

Installing Kubernetes on-prem

There are several methods of getting Kubernetes installed on physical tin, or just on top of your favorite OS. Many developers will probably have some familiarity with minikube. That is a great self-contained quick start configuration for hacking on your laptop.

That’s not really what we want here. We want a fully featured multi-node cluster installed on physical hosts. There are a number of ways to achieve that. They range in terms of flexibility vs convenience, vendor tie-in and so on.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be providing more in-depth evaluations of some of these implementations. For now here are the resources:

Manual and semi-manual

Kubernetes the hard way is a really complete introduction to getting Kubernetes up and running entirely manually. It’s a great starting point if you want to understand the dirty details of how the components hang together.

kubespray is an ansible repo that does the heavy lifting for you. You simply need to provide your ansible inventory and away you go.

kops is a neat little cli for setting up clusters and managing them throughout the lifecycle.


Gravity is an installer and containerized kubernetes offering from Gravitational. The stack includes helpful built-in components like tiller. In addition it provides a full cluster management service (as part of the paid-for enterprise version)

Rancher is also a pre-packaged Kubernetes offering from the company of the same name.

Openshift is the RedHat offering of Kubernetes.

On prem Kubernetes is a fast-growing area. I’m sure I have not captured all of the available offerings. If you feel like I’ve missed an important one, and you’d like to see it evaluated, leave a commend and I’ll add it to the mix.